I made it to ROME! After 15 or so hours in a plane with a layover in Washington DC, I made it. I've already taken about a thousand photos, and I have only been in Europe for two days! It has truly been so amazing already I do not even know where to start. When we [my mom and I] finally got to our hotel yesterday morning they did not have a room ready for us, so while we were smelling like a sweaty airplane seat we decided to walk around Rome.
This first place I wanted to go was the Trevi fountain (obviously because it was pretty iconic in the Lizzie McGuire Movie, but I didn't want my mom to know that was the main reason). As soon as we got there and looked around we realized that all of Rome's excavations were not going to stop once we got to town. Saddened by the site and the fact that I was not going to be able to make a wish and throw a coin into the fountain we moved onward to see a few other famous sites that were close by.
After getting lost only a few times, we made our way back to the hotel to take a break because we were extremely jet-lagged and wanted just 30-minute to take showers and relax. Once we got back to the hotel, they informed us that our room was still not ready. From there we left on our 4-hour tour of the Vatican, not only smelling like a sweaty airplane seat, but looking like one too.
Visiting the Vatican was amazing, though I almost fell asleep standing up a few times. I learned so much from our fantastic tour guide and saw some of the most incredible pieces of art in the whole world. There are rooms and courtyards and entire buildings lined with paintings, statues, and tapestries. It was truly breathtaking.
After not sleeping very well, we woke the this morning having a packed day in Rome. I am sure that by the end of the tour we stopped and saw every significant monument made for every Roman God/Godess, Pope, Emperor, President, King, and Prime Minister. We saw ruins through every old era imaginable, and it was incredible! It was unbelievable seeing apartment buildings next to ruins of ancient temples next to a palace all centered around a beautiful marble fountain. It was breathtaking!!!
One of my favorite things that I did not realize was going to help me before I came was knowing about all of my Roman Gods and Goddesses. Last year I ended up taking a Greek mythology class where we studied all of the Gods with Greek and Roman names. As our fantastic tour guide started pointing out monuments I realized where I have seen and heard about most of the gods. I could depict who the statue was before the tour guide showed them to us. It was cool knowing that a class that I disliked so much could make traveling to Europe more exciting.
+ we made it to Europe
+ all my bags made it to Europe
+ I am so grateful I took mythology in College
+ You can get a selfie stick on every street corner
- I am still on a weird sleeping clock
- I bought the wrong size converse the day that I left the USA
- not knowing Italian
This first place I wanted to go was the Trevi fountain (obviously because it was pretty iconic in the Lizzie McGuire Movie, but I didn't want my mom to know that was the main reason). As soon as we got there and looked around we realized that all of Rome's excavations were not going to stop once we got to town. Saddened by the site and the fact that I was not going to be able to make a wish and throw a coin into the fountain we moved onward to see a few other famous sites that were close by.
After getting lost only a few times, we made our way back to the hotel to take a break because we were extremely jet-lagged and wanted just 30-minute to take showers and relax. Once we got back to the hotel, they informed us that our room was still not ready. From there we left on our 4-hour tour of the Vatican, not only smelling like a sweaty airplane seat, but looking like one too.
Visiting the Vatican was amazing, though I almost fell asleep standing up a few times. I learned so much from our fantastic tour guide and saw some of the most incredible pieces of art in the whole world. There are rooms and courtyards and entire buildings lined with paintings, statues, and tapestries. It was truly breathtaking.
After not sleeping very well, we woke the this morning having a packed day in Rome. I am sure that by the end of the tour we stopped and saw every significant monument made for every Roman God/Godess, Pope, Emperor, President, King, and Prime Minister. We saw ruins through every old era imaginable, and it was incredible! It was unbelievable seeing apartment buildings next to ruins of ancient temples next to a palace all centered around a beautiful marble fountain. It was breathtaking!!!
One of my favorite things that I did not realize was going to help me before I came was knowing about all of my Roman Gods and Goddesses. Last year I ended up taking a Greek mythology class where we studied all of the Gods with Greek and Roman names. As our fantastic tour guide started pointing out monuments I realized where I have seen and heard about most of the gods. I could depict who the statue was before the tour guide showed them to us. It was cool knowing that a class that I disliked so much could make traveling to Europe more exciting.
+ we made it to Europe
+ all my bags made it to Europe
+ I am so grateful I took mythology in College
+ You can get a selfie stick on every street corner
- I am still on a weird sleeping clock
- I bought the wrong size converse the day that I left the USA
- not knowing Italian
Trevi Fountain - The guard was telling me that I was taking too long so I had him jump in my great photo to let me stay longer (notice the no sleep and no shower).
View from a window in one of the buildings of the Vatican overlooking Rome
The Colosseum!!
Look at how amazing it is (and how cute mom and I are)!!
These pictures do not do the Colosseum justice! It was breathtaking!
I loved all of the cute little statues on top of the buildings
The Pantheon Temple built forever ago to worship all of the Roman Gods
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